LaSalle REIT Advisors

LaSalle REIT Advisors is the asset manager of LaSalle LOGIPORT REIT



LaSalle REIT Advisors K.K. ("LRA"), is the asset manager to LaSalle LOGIPORT REIT ("LLR") which is a logistics focused J-REIT. LRA is a part of LaSalle Investment Management ("LaSalle Group"). LRA's direct parent company is LaSalle Investment Management K.K. ("LIM K.K."), which is the LaSalle Group's Japan based corporate entity established in 2001. LIM K.K. and the LaSalle Group are expanding upon its global real estate asset management businesses in the U.S., Europe and Asia-Pacific regions.

Since its inception, LIM K.K., through its various private real estate fund vehicles, has managed a wide exposure to multiple real estate sectors including office, retail, logistics and residential, totaling an investment track record. Within this, as it relates specifically to logistics real estate, the Japan platform quickly focused on the growth potential to this market, lending itself to become a pioneer and market leader in the acquisition, development, leasing and management of advanced logistics facilities since the nascent days in this industry. To date, LIM K.K. has acquired and developed logistics real estate with a total gross floor area of over 5 million square meters.

In unison with utilizing the LaSalle Group's global real estate investment knowledge as a guide, LRA intends to fully leverage off of the logistics related intellectual expertise it has cultivated in Japan, and will incorporate this investor-oriented mind set as the asset manager to LLR. LRA would like to express how it is up for the challenge to meet everyone's expectations as the asset manager, by managing assets with a long-term investment view that will ensure sustained improvements toward unitholder values of LLR.

LaSalle REIT Advisors K.K.
President and CEO
Taira Jigami

Management Policy

LRA, as a real estate specialized asset management company, is a member of LaSalle Investment Management, a company that is proud to be one of the world's pre-eminent firms in this space with years of experience. LRA aims to build long term relationships which are based upon trust from its investor base, whom are its clients. Devoted to investor-oriented asset management, LRA strives to provide superior management performance and client service.

LRA, borne with asset management responsibilities on behalf of a LLR, inherits the management philosophy of the LaSalle Group. By leveraging off of the sustained operational support through its global real estate investment expertise along with its wealth of development and investment experience in Japanese logistics facilities, LRA strives to enhance unitholders value of LLR.

Corporate Overview

Trademark Name LaSalle REIT Advisors K.K.
Date Established March 18, 2002
Paid in Capital JPY 164,500,000
Shareholder LaSalle Investment Management K.K. 100%
Directors President and CEO Taira Jigami
Director Toshikazu Urushibata
Director Daisuke Ishida
Non-Executive Director Kunihiko Okumura
Non-Executive Director Marnie Elizabeth Prater
Auditor Kenjiro Higashino
Line of business Investment management business
Financial Instruments Business Registration Number Director of the Kanto Local Financial Bureau No. 2863
A member of the General Investment Trust Association
Realty business license License Number: Governor of Tokyo (2) No. 97862
Discretionary trading agency approval Authorization Number: Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport approved No. 92
Memberships The Investment Trusts Association, Japan

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

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